W sierpniu 2018 r. przedstawiamy artykuł au torstwa Joanny Bigdy pracowniczki Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla oraz Adama Klimanka z Politechniki Śląskiej.

Artykuł pt. ?CFD modelling of CO2 enhanced gasification of coal in a pressurized circulating fluidized bed reac tor? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Energy.

Poniżej zamieszczamy abstrakt:

Two CFD models of CO2-enhanced coal gasification in pressurized circulating fluidized bed reac tor were developed and applied to simulate the process and predict syngas composition at the reac tor outlet. The models were developed using commercial codes ANSYS Fluent and CPFD Barracuda. The models allowed to predict the outlet syngas composition and give insight in to the processes occurring in the reac tor. Results of the analyses were compared with experimental data obtained from a small scale test facility. The predicted syngas compositions agreed well with the experimental data, however the local gas composition in some instances were different. The predicted temperature distribution in Fluent agreed well with the experimental data. The examined cases confirmed that addition of CO2 to the gasifying agent in a pressurized reac tor can increase the CO yield per unit of feeds tock and reduce the oxygen demand.

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