W grudniu 2017 r. przedstawiamy artykuł au torstwa Piotra Babińskiego, Marka Ściążko i Eweliny Ksepko pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla. Artykuł ?Limitation of thermogravimetry for oxy-combustion analysis of coal chars? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.

Poniżej zamieszczamy abstrakt:

A kinetic study of the oxy-combustion of chars obtained from two Polish steam coals was conducted. A comparative study was focused on the data analysis concerning oxy-combustion of coal chars collected from two thermobalances, which differed in construction, design of crucibles, sample size and gas flow direction. The influence of individual fac tors such as temperature, O2 concentration, the dimensions of the crucibles and the dimensions of the char bed on the reaction rate was analysed. On the basis of these results, a global kinetic model was elaborated showing the influence of all fac tors, particularly mass transfer conditions, on reaction rates. The developed model can be extended to other mass transfer conditions or fluidised bed conditions and can be applied to other fast reactions to ensure they occur in the chemical reaction kinetics control regime during TG tests. It was concluded that the gas?solid fuel contact characteristics are crucial for the measured reaction rate and for the interpretation of kinetic data.

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