W sierpniu 2017 r. w sekcji artykuł miesiąca przedstawiamy książkę pt. „Low-rank Coals for Power Generation, Fuel and Chemical Production” współau torstwa J. Laska oraz J. Zuwały, pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla.  Szczególnie zachęcamy do lektury dwóch rozdziałów zatytułowanych: ?Co-combustion of low-rank coals with biomass? i ?Role of oxycombustion in utilization of low rank coals?.

Low-rank-coalPoniżej zamieszczamy abstrakty obu rozdziałów:

Chapter 6. Co-combustion of low-rank coals with biomass

The co-combustion of low-rank coals with biomass is commonly practice in industrial scale boilers. In this chapter the benefits and the challenges of co-combustion are briefly discussed. The main advantages of co-combustion are connected with the lower SO2 emission as well as the increase of a boiler efficiency. Main disadvantages concern the higher risk of slagging, fouling or corrosion of heat exchange surfaces in a boiler. In the further part of the chapter, the influence of low rank coal and biomass co-firing on the depletion of non-renewable energy resources and GHG emission is presented basing on life cycle assessment (LCA).

Chapter 13. Role of oxycombustion in utilization of low rank coals

Oxy-fuel combustion, beside of pre-combustion capture and post-combustion capture is one of the way to efficient reduce CO2 emission to the atmosphere. In this Chapter, role of oxycombustion in utilization of low rank coals is analyzed. Behaviour of low rank coals during its combustion under oxy-fuel regime and emission of main gaseous pollutants (i.e. SO2, NOx, CO) are taken in to account. The chances and barriers of oxycombustion in terms of utilization of low rank coals are discussed.

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