W sierpniu 2020 r. przedstawiamy artykuł Mateusza Szula, Krzysz tofa Głoda i Tomasza Iluka pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla. Artykuł pt. ?Influence of pressure and CO2 in fluidized bed gasification of waste biomasses? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Biomoass Conversion and Biorefinery.

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An au tothermal fluidized bed reac tor was used to research the influence of pressure (0?2 barg) on the gasification process of different types of biomasses. The tested feeds tocks were bark and lignin while softwood pellet was used as a reference fuel. A mixture of O2/CO2/H2O was used as a gasification agent. The impact of the application of CO2 on the yield of H2 in product gas was determined. Resulting product gas was characterized by a high content of CO which makes its use for applications based on chemical synthesis very difficult without extensive upgrading or supply of H2 from external sources. CO2 proved to improve carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) of the gasification process and to be an option for its chemical sequestration (negative carbon footprint). A slight modification of conventional indices used to evaluate efficiencies of gasification systems (CCE and water/carbon ratio) was proposed, to take in to account the impact of the additional source of carbon fed in to the reac tor. The increase ofsystem pressure led to changes in the composition of the product gas in line with predictions of Le Chatelier?s principle. The influence was predominantly visible in higher yields of CH4 and lower overall production of product gas. For higher hydrocarbons (CxHy), the trend was unclear. A set of stable gasification parameters were achieved for each pressure level and a standard gasification temperature of 850°C, except for gasification of lignin performed at 2 barg. A proposed explanation for the problem is the combined effect of the increasing concentration of ash in the fluidized bed and its low characteristic melting temperatures. Due to the obtained experimental findings, a new ash agglomeration index was formulated.

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