W lipcu 2018 r. przedstawiamy artykuł au torstwa Andrzeja Mianowskiego pracownika Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla oraz Tomasza Siudygi i Jarosława Polańskiego z Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Artykuł pt. ?Szarawara?Kozik?s temperature criterion in the context of three-parameter equation for modeling ammonia or methanol decomposition during heterogenous catalysis? ukazał się w czasopiśmie Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis.

Poniżej zamieszczamy abstrakt:

Szarawara?Kozik?s temperature criterion, suggested many years ago, has been reinterpreted as three-parameter fitting equation. We demonstrated interpretation of the chemical reactions of ammonia and methanol catalytic decomposition ( to produce syngas and hydrogen) by associating two parameters with the activation energy and the average enthalpy of reaction for the equilibrium conversion degrees. It was proved that the three-parameter equation can be applicable to studying a wide variety of catalytic/enzymatic processes in isothermal conditions.

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