W tym miesiącu przedstawiamy artykuł au torstwa: A. Wilk, L. Więcław-Solny, A. Tatarczuk, A. Krótki, T. Spietz, T. Chwoła  – pracowników Instytutu Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla. Artykuł pod tytułem: ?Solvent selection for CO2 capture from gases with high carbon dioxide concentration? ukazał się w czasopiśmie The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.

Amine absorption processes are widely used to purify both refinery and process gases and natural gas.
Recently, amine absorption has also been considered for application to CO2 removal from flue gases. It has a number of advantages, but there is one major disadvantage-high energy consumption. This can be solved by using an appropriate solvent. From a group of several dozen solutions, seven amine solvents based on primary amine, tertiary amine and sterically hindered amine were selected. For the selected solutions research was conducted on CO2 absorption capacity, an absorption rate and finally a solvent vapor pressure. Furthermore, tests on an absorber-desorber system were also performed. In this study the most appropriate solvent for capturing CO2 from flue gases with higher carbon dioxide concentrations was selected.

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